Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

It’s been a long time…

… since my wedding ring has fitted my finger.
I was searching around for a blip that didn’t involve getting out my chair and I noticed my knees were not nearly as swollen as they’d been. Now the question is what caused the improvement?
Was it the pesky bone tablet? In the very lengthy notes that came with it, Furosemide (a. diuretic) was mentioned as possible interacting but no comment as to how. I am on a low dose but yesterday it certainly acted dramatically more than usual. I did think about not taking it next bone tablet day.

Was it the very low dose steroids?

Or was it the Rituximab kicking in?
I guess time will tell.
But I thought I’d see whether my wedding ring fitted and it just slipped on easily. When I last tried it on 2 August there was no chance of getting it on and back them my hands were cold unlike today! So that’s progress but I’m not risking leaving it on in case it’s all shortlived.

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