Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Glencorse Centre

This morning was spent researching and ordering materials as well as pulling everything together ready to take to my newest retail stockist - The Glencorse Centre and Brae Cafe in Auchendinny. 

Then it was out on my rounds, dropping off orders at The Bush, Penicuik and La Manca, along with going to the bank, doing some grocery shopping and of course getting everything set up in the Glencorse Centre. They decided while I was there that they would also like my washes in the bathrooms there so will be selling to them directly as well as to their customers now - yay! 

Was so shattered when I got back it was off to bed for a bit. Was to be expected after yesterday's efforts but hoping it won't carry on too long this week. Its still progress. 

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