
By Happyme

Hexham today

Kath and I had a lovely day in Hexham. We mostly just strolled around and browsed the charity shops. We had a lovely lunch at the Garden Coffee House. Kath insisted on treating me as I've been giving her so many eggs. I'm more than happy to share our eggs as we can't possibly eat 5/6 every day! The rain held off which was a bonus as it had been forecast. Somehow we managed to while away four hours. It was lovely to be out and about and in good company. 
I did unfortunately have to take nine phone calls, all either from about the elderlies. The most difficult one from mum via a carer. Her phone will not work. After consultation with the concierge at BC it was determined that it definitely wouldn't work and was not user error. When we sat down to lunch I hastily ordered her another which will hopefully be delivered Wednesday. I'm just hoping the swap from one to the other will be smooth. Despite that the day was positive and I enjoyed it. 
The evening brought yet more phone calls, these were a little more difficult as my nephew, the one I sorted out a couple of years ago when he got himself into all sorts of money problems. He's got himself into yet more problems too many to relate. I'm not sure I have the mental capacity to take this on! How on earth do I say "you're on your own this time" My cousin is trying to help but he has no funds and is living in a van too!
Oh well one day at a time I guess!

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