Autumn leaves

It was a deliciously fresh and invigorating dog walk this morning.  Couldn't help but notice the numerous puddles on the newly resurfaced pavement.  No quality control there.

Put washing out before heading into town.  They'd just resurfaced the pavement in front of our drive.   I didn't want to get the tarry stuff on my footwear so thought I would cycle straight off our drive, cross the pavement onto the road.  Nope!  Exit coned and taped off.  Had to ride on verge to cone I could shift to escape.  

Just hope milkman doesn't come a cropper in the early hours by not seeing the thin strip of tape.  OH had nearly gone head over heels cycling out of the drive.   The tape is just a few centimetres wide.  

Whizzed round market very quickly getting my shopping.

On my way home stopped off at Jesus Lane Quaker Meeting House where there was a free art exhibition.  Worth a look any who are relatively nearby.

Back home cooked some veggies for the hound.  Before you call me indulgent, I'm merely continuing the diet he had in the retired greyhound trust kennels.

Readeasy student online in the afternoon . After which no time to pause for coffee as hound was going balmy with pent up energy do took him walking. 

Pastry with pesto, sliced camembert, cherry tomatoes and salad for dinner.

Pleasant evening everyone.

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