Desperately seeking

By clickychick


When we meet for our church homegroup one of us bakes a cake to serve with coffee. Well, I don't. When it's my turn I go to Sainsbury's.

Last time I must have been feeling brave as I offered to bring a cake. I looked up a recipe for a peach and maple syrup cheesecake I made 41 years ago for #1 Daughter's Christening party. The only difference was, last time I didn't put it on an ants' egg a puffed rice base.

Now I have to boast that the cheesy bit was absolutely lovely but the base was awful! I followed the recipe as I wanted to avoid those hard-as-concrete digestive biscuit bases. That was a mistake!

The rest of the day was busy with messages from #2 Daughter who's on the boat this week. We also got out to the lodge to clear the "wildflower meadow" we had strimmed on Saturday. 6 bags of hay got taken to the tip. A job well done.

Finally, I did a big, big online grocery order.

At the end of the day, I got to eat my blip, again!

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