The Scoreboard Tells the Story...

or does it? The score is correct. Merrick's Linden Eagles team beat my Fenton Tigers by a score of 24-12, but the clock should read 00:00. The 14:44 is counting down to the game that was scheduled to start after our game.

The game setting took me back awhile. It was 52 years ago that I was dressed in my Fenton football uniform and playing on this very field. Unlike Merrick, I didn't get a lot of playing time, but the memories are still good. Perhaps one of these Friday nights, I'll have to post my football picture.

At halftime of tonight's game, Linden was behind 12-8, but the Eagles soared in the 2nd half, and the Tigers lost their stripes. 

Merrick is #87 in the picture, the 3rd white shirt from the left.

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