Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

Crossing the bridge...

This is not the clearest of pictures and its not the best one I have taken today but I wanted to show you some of our pathways in Malawi. Many of our villages are only accessible by foot or bicycle and during the rainy season many of the bridges wash away and people can be stranded. Out walking today within the city boundary and noticed these people crossing this bridge which has recently been repaired after the rains!!

Having said that I do feel for the people in Europe right now as they have severe flooding (we have similar type of flooding each rainy season where homes and bridges are washed away, but we are used to it).

Hope you all had a good Sunday. Am waiting for some Irish visitors to arrive from Lilongwe so will be travelling north with them for the next couple of days - not sure if I will have internet access but will backblip if not!! Thanks as always for your kind comments on my everyday life in Malawi!

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