Hanging on

Or 'The day I didn't visit Dulwich Picture Gallery' ...

Today I met with G for a long-standing arrangement to combine a walk around Dulwich with a visit to the gallery. Doomed. A very gloomy day in London, with the temperature dropping by around 10 degrees on yesterday, and the gallery was shut until June 11th!

Hmmm ... a quick rethink. We had a coffee and potter around the lovely small Sunday market in nearby Hearne Hill and then caught the bus to Bankside to visit Tate Britain (and to have another coffee). However, just before Westminster Bridge the bus was diverted, we hopped off, walked across the bridge and the reason for the change in route soon became clear. There was a large Sikh rally to commemorate the 1984 massacre at Amritsar. It was a sea of orange turbans and I did get talking to a few of the participants and took their picture. However, I preferred this more candid shot of a little boy having fun on the Routemaster they had decked out for the occasion.

Hanging on also applies to Blip. This has become challenging. Time is by far the largest factor. I am not pulling away from Blip for now because I still enjoy viewing others' journals and learning from them, and the driver to take photos on a regular basis. However, the aspiration of a daily Blip is currently not a realistic one :(

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