During my recent visit to my sister’s we started to sort out family papers and regretted that my father had not wanted to pursue a claim against a famous man who has subsequently benefitted financially as a result. This evening through online research I discovered some interesting information that would have greatly helped my father prove that he had a very strong case against the man but he did not wish to be involved in a court case inspite of the informal advice of a lawyer.  He just wanted an assurance that the person owed my father an acknowledgment and apology.  Too late now but we are glad that both my parents are not around now regretting that they did not want any fuss.
Otherwise it has been a busy but enjoyable day, first meeting a friend for coffee and going for a short walk.  This afternoon I made bramble and apple jam and am now waiting for bramble juice to slowly filter down to make bramble jelly.  
On my walk I saw a humming bird moth but the photos were too blurred so instead here is a red admiral.  Incidentally yesterday’s butterfly was still in the same position this morning after more than 24 hours but had disappeared this evening.

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