Bridgewater reflections

A work morning of lots of slightly irritating admin and staffing questions (like refusing to authorise a claim for 8 miles travel expenses for a training course less than 1.5 miles from the office!).

Then a visit to see J. He wasn’t very communicative, and I hadn’t slept well last night (no obvious reason) so conversation was hard work. A helpful conversation with the social worker suggested that he had told her he didn’t need any carers support, his friends and family could give him all the help he needed. Fortunately the social worker had realised that wasn’t the case, so we now all need to convince J that it’s not a question of carers or no carers, it’s simply come home with enough support or don’t come home.

As the sun was breaking through I detoured to the RHS for a wander before going home. Feel much calmer now. I only had my phone with me, and not quite sure what is going on with the colour on the extra.

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