Place: Greenville, SC 63/80
Main activity: Fri - around the house
Notes: Woke a bit earlier and decided to give the lawn some water - Lizzy and I went out tho I was feeling a bit shaky (starting the 3rd day of the water fast). Got a bit done and then started to feel like I could pass out - had to end up laying in the driveway twice and cut the time at each spot short. Freezing all morning, ended up taking a bath and getting into sweats (love that). Nap early afternoon and was feeling better ... streaming shows to get thru the day. At one point, Lizzy was on the couch but crawled onto the blanket between my legs (that's never happened). Quiet day, nothing special, looking so forward to my coffee and some food tomorrow! Very cold again all evening, went to bed early tho stayed awake as long as I could. 

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