
By flying

Cherry blossom..... delicate, pretty and beautiful, an avenue of many trees all in full bloom, not a bud in sight, breathtaking!

All ages out today, babies, toddlers, teens, parents, grandparents, princes and princesses and everyone was as smitten as me. It became very social as people smiled, laughed as we all admired the beauty....everyone had a form of camera to capture this magical beauty.

I was back in the city today with blipper JMK, we admired the cherry blossom, had lunch at what's becoming our favorite cafe, enjoyed a beach walk at the pier, looked for wildlife at Travis wetlands and Horseshoe Lake, a day filled with variety, lots of fun with many laughs. It was freezing cold at times and ever so windy but we carried on as blippers do.

Thanks J for a memorable day, just loved the cherry blossom experience, a special time :) x

Happy Saturday everyone :)

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