Raindrops caught in a spider's web

I spied raindrops on spiders' webs when I opened our bedroom shutters this morning. Immediately recognising a blipportunity, I rushed outside with my phone.

After a very busy few days, I have been taking things easy today. I only left the house twice: (1) this morning to continue yesterday's secret mission , and (2) for a wander round the art galleries on Leith Walk and coffee/tea at the Word of Mouth café with Mr hazelh this afternoon (while Mummy hazelh had her post-lunch lie down). 

Back at the house I have dealt with various small tasks such as writing birthday cards, hanging out and bringing in washing, and catching up with online admin. Tomorrow I will be more active.

Mr hazelh has finished painting all our windows - hurrah!

Exercise today: walking (11,753 steps).

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