St Ives …. the wonderful artist retreat, full of …. well, everything really. The town is beautiful, but there seems to be more eateries per square inch than anywhere else we’ve been to so far. We stopped off at the beach, the Tate Gallery and popped into a few places including the local church. Interestingly, it had the usual font, pulpit, altar, organ and ….. bar, complete with local ale on tap. It was great to visit the Tate, an accessible curated sample of modern art. And, together with the expected Picasso, Mondrian, Miro, Nicholson & Hepworth, there was a fascinating space for exhibits from the Casablanca School of Art. Apparently, as soon as the colonial powers relaxed their grip on what should and shouldn’t be taught, locals got together and drew inspiration from local artists and artisans, creating a unique and contextualised view on contemporary art. Wonderful. 

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