Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


No photo walk today, it looked set to be too wet.  Instead I gardened until about midmorning when the rain started.  Of course as I weeded the robin came down to look for worms.  Almost as soon as I started you could hear this little chit-chit in the undergrowth, though it took a bit longer before I could actually see him.  At the point this shot was taken he had already swallowed one large juicy worm, flown into the lilac bush to digest, then come back for more.  

So why is his head on one side?  He's listening to the camera.  In my experience robins are facinated by what you might call the 'shutter chatter', especially in repeat-fire mode.  And no, I don't actually know this is a male but I'm guessing many of the 'English' females will already be making their way to Southern Spain while the 'Russian' females have probably not yet arrived for the winter.

Once it started raining it was back to boring indoor jobs, but I'm happy to have got them done.  Hope your Sunday's being a good one  xx

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