Trolley pound

I went to get a bit of shopping, but Sainsbury's car park was stacked so I came back this way and went to Morrisons. My shopping list included a trolley pound, I rarely use cash but when I do (as I did on Friday) I forget to save a quid for a shopping trolley.

There were three members of staff at the supervisor's desk, so I asked them. There was some sucking of teeth and one of them said "When we have them they are at the kiosk but they sell-out really quickly". I thanked them and made to continue when the older of the three said "Let me show you something...". Obviously I pointed out that it was Sunday so she shouldn't be rude but she grabbed the front of my trolley and pulled it, and me, through the store. 

We finally stopped by the corned beef and she picked up a can. "What we use" she said "are these", and she pulled the key off the tin and gave it to me. "They never work anyway" she explained "You need to use a tin opener to get in". She then showed me her keyring with a Frey Bentos key on it. Check the extra if you are unfamiliar with corned beef keys.

So now I have one on my keyring, and I checked that it worked when I took my trolley back - it does. It's only good for the type of trolley where there is a slot for a coin (Morrison's), not the ones where the coin goes into a little tray that is then pushed in (Sainsbury's). It doesn't stay in the slot, it goes in and releases the mechanism and can be removed. I asked Dr Googe and it seems that this isn't as much of a secret as I thought.

Every day is a school day

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