Dodging the rain showers...................

Our weather app is showing rain for the rest of our life................. Well................. until the 26th Sept when it's full of little sunny day symbols again. Yay!

Managed my morning walk without getting wet. And surprise, surprise, I managed my afternoon walk without getting wet.

Ann washed some towels this morning, hung them out to dry and then the heavens opened and she had to bring them in. The rain early afternoon was torrential....................

Guess what happened this evening?...................... Mr Sunshine came out to play at about 5.50pm so Ann (& obv I had to go with her) went outside to sit on her 'wine drinking chair' (with a very small glass of Rose – she's trying to detox after spending 5 days with the girlies who were here until Friday). Unfortunately after half an hour Mr Sunshine went away.
It's still warm though. Temps are about 17/18C, which is good for this time of year. But, doesn't it get dark early?  It's only 7pm and we have the lights on.

We have another friend arriving on Wednesday. Love having people to stay, but I bet if we lived in somewhere like 'Grimbsy', our friends wouldn't be quite so keen to visit. #justsaying

PS - I'm sure Grimbsy is very nice, but when one lives in one of the most popular holiday destinations in the UK, one is never short of visitors. Lol!!!!

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