Just the Withers......

By JaneW


The baby is in Manchester and I’m not …… lucy upon deciding she could NEVER be a vet after dealing with the great British public when she did 3 weeks work experience jumped to a biology degree instead.
Lucy was HORRIFIED at the sense of entitlement from people and the way the vets were treated . Lucy knowing that she has a quick temper decided that rather than be locked up for duffing up customers she would try going down the route of Zoology instead and try specialise in something else to do with animals. I think this is a WISE move . I couldn’t work with the public either which is why I was sacked . Ha.
I did have a sniffle dropping my baby off but it’s only two hours to go rescue her so I’ll be ok .

Can we quickly just discuss Fiji in the World Cup !! OMG …. AWESOME . There that’s my discussion x

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