The aftermath

After the 4am turn in, I took one step out of bed this morning and my FitBit 10,000 step alarm went off. That’s a good bit of dancing exercise!

A leisurely brunch, then we started clearing some of the debris of the party. I came home with more stuff than I took - with lots of “spare” food and wine.

Back to Chris and the cat at home in the afternoon - he’s done a great job of looking after Len with an injured leg. We had fun over dinner watching the episode of the “Hotel Inspector” that the hotel appeared in a few years back - it’s changed hands since!

With just a few days now till my big walk in the Lake District, I (Chris) left Leonard to fend for himself for a couple of hours and did a gentle 8 mile loop walk from home. Good to keep those muscles primed!

Yesterday back blipped with the birthday girl.

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