The kakabeak tree is coming into full bloom and cheering up the walkway between the truck and the study.
Kakabeaks are very unusual for inland Otago because of our cold winter nights compared to coastal and more northerly locations. My tree grows hard up against the 25,000 litre water tank, which I’m sure helps keep it frost-free.
The shape and vibrancy of the flowers are enchanting.
Bean and I went into town this morning. Among other things we called in on the Macdubs, where my dog whooshed around the garden looking for pussycats (sadly disappointed). We had a “quick” cuppa which - as usual - turned into a long natter about this and that. We are all three quite good talkers.
The wind had picked up again by the time we reached home. It’s been a westerly today. Half of the property is sheltered from westerlies so I busied myself there all afternoon.
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