
After all the extreme emotions of yesterday (boredom, sweat, starvation, exhaustion) I slept well and awoke at 6am. I decided I needed to see the sea before I left so set forth, as it turned out, down the hill. What a blissful little prom Penarth has. (I have had to pause a lot over that adjective - also delightful, gorgeous, splendid, all round fabulous). I found all the swimmers, chatted to one of them, next time I will bring my swim stuff.

Daisy texted me while I was out, she thought the heavy, cumbersome drawers that we had left in the van were not needed and I could take them home again. Obvs this was rubbish and she just didn’t want to have anything to do with getting them up those stairs. I poo pooed her nonsense suggestion and we struggled them up together. Then I left for my long journey home, wondering for much of it why I had not just stayed for more time and when I would go back. Proper proud of my girl trying to get her life on track. And love her little town. Sadly the gorgeous Victorian villas throughout the town turn out to cost at least £800k.

Home then, did a pile of emergency work, walked Rosie, got caught up with the house, cooked a roast chicken dinner. Have forgotten how much I love a roast chicken dinner. Watched elementary and then delighted Jay by watching the Grand Prix from yesterday. Such a cracking race though.

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