horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


On tenterhooks for tomorrow to see if this three day (yes, three day*) recipe works. Disconcertingly the dough behaved ‘exactly’ as it should at every stage. Flora Shedden of Aran Bakery may be a bona fide genius (if they work, like I say, tenterhooks).

* ‘three’ days is perhaps a bit of a misnomer. The first day is just making the dough itself. Today was more involved, with various rolling and folding (oh my, the lamination possibilities…) and shaping. And the third day is just proving and baking (alarm is set). 

Yeah, this is how I spend portions of random ‘me time’ days off work (which has also included power tools, the old Mini, the old tractor, realising how little time the pigs have left, and what basically amounts to actually selling some art - yeah, I’m looking forward to the office on Wednesday. No really. Yeah).

Anyway, will find out tomorrow if these can match Scottish croissants, i.e. homemade rowies (which i may have to make next weekend).

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