In the Dark

Spikey is always in the dark but it is usually pretty difficult to tell. Right now he’s on the alert’ listening intently for an indication that his dinner is being served.

This is sort of an emergency blip partly because I’m trying to finish the current quilt top before more visitors arrive on Thursday, and partly because my computer seems to have died. One possibility is that Matthew unplugged something when he was working at my desk this morning. The other is that he accidentally took my computer home with him.

He left at about ten this morning to drive home and we will miss him. It was a wonderful weekend and great to have someone around to pry us out of our routine for a few days.

This morning John called the insurance company that dumped us to cancel the remaining two months on our policy. He’s much better at that than I am because he doesn’t get mad when he’s kept on hold for
half an hour, or when he gets someone who acts like it’s a very odd request and doesn’t know what to do. ‘They’d better get used to it’, I muttered. She eventually figured it out and said we’d get a $750 refund. ‘That’ll just about cover our wine bill for two months’, he said.

The lovely, unseasonably cool weather continues, doing a lot to alleviate fire concerns. It’s still possible to sit outside for our evening glass of wine although we have had to change the venue due to angry wasps searching for a new way to enter the rain gutter where the hive and the queen are incarcerated by Matthew’s duct tape. I suspect they’ll find another way in, but we’ll see….

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