Ever decreasing circles

By Shelleylou71

9th June 2013

Tablet anyone? These were just the tablets that we took out of Dad's weekly pill boxes, there are hundreds of pounds of tablets still in boxes dating back from September last year. If I didn't know any better, I would say my sister had been stocking up on them for Dad. But why? I will be taking all the old tablets we found and giving them to my local pharmacy to dispose of. What a waste of money.

Speaking of Dad... my one day off yesterday was slightly marred by Dad having a fall and then the girls day out at the Leigh Art Trail ruined due to having to go over and make sure he was all right. Today the whole family went over to tidy the house and to keep him company. So I have now seen him every day this week and he still thinks no-one has been in to visit him. He was so much happier in the care home. Tomorrow I ring his social worker and we find a permanent place for him and the house can go on the market. He likes the freedom of being home but it's a very lonely place when you no-one to talk to.

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