Sleeping Beauty
Today I visited my eldest son in Brighton; it's always lovely to see him.
We met at the Train Station where I saw my first Shaun the Sheep.
James told me had to have his 3rd Rabies Jab at 12 noon, so we wandered around looking for more "Shaun of the Sea" before it was time for his jab.
Afterwards we wandered around & into Churchill Square Shopping Centre where we found this pretty Sleeping Beauty Sheep in front of the lit up heart at the bottom of the escalator.
Then we went to the Shelter Hall for lunch before heading off to find more sheep.
So glad I felt OK with all the walking right till near the end; I got to a point where I wanted to sit down & maybe head home, my back was hurting & my upper legs were going numb, but funny how I could still walk thank goodness, because we took a while to find the correct Bus Stop.
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