
OMG! Hasn't it been windy today? This morning I went down to 'Porthmeor Beach' for my walk and the waves were absolutely massive.  No sea swimming for my human today then?!

This afternoon I went to 'Long Rock' and there were loads of wind surfers about. Obviously this photo does not portray just how windy it was................ but take it from us, it was mega windy. In fact it was so windy, Ann could hardly stand up. Lol! Having said that.................... our weather app is still lying.......... It said it was going to rain for most of the day (and apart from a little play in the field at 5.15pm in the rain), it hasn't.

My human is in a bit of a bad mood though. Do you want to know why? ….............Switch off now, if you don't want to read the following RANT!!!........................

As those of you who follow our Blip regularly, will know, when we are not in Cornwall, we rent out our home via 'Airbnb'. It is becoming harder & harder & harder to do this, due to the ridiculous rules & regulations that are constantly being updated. ….........Supposedly for H&S reasons.

Today Ann received an email from Airbnb regarding 'Changes to fire safety guidance in England'!!! As of 1 October 2023, new fire safety rules are coming into force across England. What does this mean? What's it all about? After reading through 38 pages – 'A guide to making your small paying-guest-accomodation safe from fire'; she's non the wiser??!!

This is actually our 'home' and do you really need to do a 'fire risk assessment' in your own home??? We have two smoke alarms, a fire extinguisher, a fire blanket and two exit routes, should there be a fire???? Whatever happened to 'common sense'??? Apparently she's now got to fill out a 6 page, 'Fire risk assessment checklist' and no doubt leave it in a prominent place where a guest can see it. #theworldhasgonemad

Airbnb is NOT a 'holiday letting agents'. It is a booking platform. It started out in 'San Franciso' in 2008 because some, 'very clever person', decided to rent out an 'air bed' in their spare room for a huge conference that was happening at the time. By 2009 the 'Airbnb' brand had spread to the UK and beyond. It was never intended to be a 'holiday let agency'. But now; all short term lets are just branded as 'Airbnbs'.

Personally, my human just uses 'Airbnb' for what it was originally intended for.................. renting out a room/property when the owner is away.........................

This is becoming harder and harder to do. Ie, we can no longer rent out our flat in Edinburgh when we're not there. Due to all the Scottish rules, regulations and licences, that we would have to adhere to, it just wouldn't be financially viable, and we certainly wouldn't make any money from it.
It is sooooooo, sooooooooo, annoying. People think that because my human owns a couple of properties she is mega rich.

My human would love not to have to rent out our Cornish home. It drives her mad that people don't look after it properly. We have the bestest housekeeper in the world. Thank you Julia. BUT, even the bestest housekeeper in the world can't stop visitors from chopping stuff direct onto a work surface. Our kitchen worktops are totally full of scratch marks. We have 7 chopping boards. Grrrrr.........

Oh and also, for all these bigwigs in the Government that think if they put a 'cull' on 'Airbnbs' there will be more affordable housing for local people...................... I can't see that working.................. All it will do is cut down on the tourism in the area.

My human rented out her flat, on a long term basis, in Edinburgh for 20 years and it cost her an absolute fortune. Tennants didn't bother to ventilate the property so a 4th floor flat was covered in mould and looked like it had rising damp, and when they didn't pay the rent there was no way of getting it back from them, and when she wanted them out she had to pay massive legal costs, even though she had a contract in place that said she could give them two months notice.

Never ever again, will my human rent either of her properties out long term.

.........And it doesn't look like it's going to be financially viable to rent them out short term for much longer either.

#thankgoodnessshesalmostanOAP #pensionat66

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