Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Late Blooming

Up at 5am, and lots accomplished before it was time to set off for my ophthalmology appointment. That didn't go so smoothly, it was very busy and the were running late. I felt sorry for them, clearly they need more staff. The outcome wasn't what I wanted either. An additional set of drops for the glaucoma, and my sight in my left eye has worsened significantly, probably because of the epiretinal membrane. I may have to have something done about that - which I don't relish the thought of. I go back in three months to check on developments.

But we had a very nice lunch in Selkirk at the Three Hills Coffee shop. I came home and had a nap, which was lovely, but by the time I woke the rain was on, so there was no walk today.  Hence the picture from yesterday, of a dainty little hogweed in the ditch up the road.

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