
Helophilus pendulus, I think. A 'tiger' hoverfly browsing  on a pink aster. Called a sunfly because it enjoys a sunny day. As most of us do. 

Last night's rain moved away leaving a very pleasant, sunny, breezy day. I've pottered in the garden starting the autumn tidy up. I feel much better today as I thought I would. Thank you for all the kind wishes. I'm still slightly wabbit so the four year old isn't here. I'd hate her to catch anything as it's the Glasgow holiday weekend and they're away with friends for a few nights from tomorrow. It gives me another day to catch up with myself which I appreciate. 

What I will try to do is get to my yoga class, online, tonight. My very regular yoga has fallen by the wayside. One of my teachers isn't well so her classes are temporarily off. I've been so busy that I've been an infrequent attender at the Wesnesday session. I really shouldn't let it go as it's taken me a long time to build  up even a moderate amount of core strength and flexibility. All too easy for it to disappear. Must try harder! 

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