
By redridergirl

I acquired an old, used D60 a few days ago for infrared conversion purposes. Quite pleased with it as it was very cheap and in good shape. When I get paid again I'll be sending it off to get it converted, as I don't feel like either accidentally destroying it or discharging the flash capacitor into myself like I did with the last camera I tried to dismantle - thankfully last time it was only an old p&s and not anything valuable.

Getting a few long exposures of this fountain has been on my to-do-list for a while. The main stumbling block has been the fact that the head to my tripod is missing - I finally gave up expecting to find it and packed it up with a lot of the stuff in my dorm room that I won't be needing over the summer.

Today I felt like photographing the fountain anyways despite the lack of a tripod. I was pretty severely limited on locations due to the fact that I needed somewhere to place my camera, but I ended up finding a few nice places and with some creative lens cap shim placements, got a few photos that I felt alright about.

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