Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

Afternoon at Larrabee

The longterm effects of wind and water are evident on this gnarled and twisted trunk seen today at Larrabee State Park, demonstrating that with enough perseverance, even something as indomitable as rock and wood can be forced to bend and twist in unnatural ways.

A drive down Washington's Chuckanut Drive in and of itself provides ample eye candy and breathtaking beauty to render you breathless for quite some time. But, pull over, and hike down the trails and take a walk along the beach. Run your hands over the boulders polished smooth by the ocean, or examine the curves and wrinkles in the muscular limbs of the windswept trees. Find a few good rocks to skip across the water, or just sit and look out on the ocean and feel embraced by its expanse.

Come closer.

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