
I thank WalkingMarj for leading me to the photography of Margaret Soraya, and now I thank Sean Tucker and Margaret Soraya for a 20-minute documentary called The Strengths of being a Creative Introvert. Like me, Soraya read Susan Cain’s book Quiet and was comforted by it, encouraged by it. (If BarrioBoy sees this—I know “introvert” is an over-simplification, but Cain’s book was a great boon to many of us.) Soraya talks extensively about what introversion means to her and the importance of solitude for creativity. 

I was inspired by the documentary to go out to Sauvie Island, not for the water but for the land and the quiet. The blissful quiet. I strolled for about half a mile, filling my eyes with beauty, seeing only a few other human beings far away and silent. 

Teasel (teazel), tall stalks of maize, a few freshly plowed fields, great mountains of wild blackberry (bramble), and color. Not many domestic animals. I saw a few chickens pecking at fallen apples on the ground. A bit of wetland despite the drought. Marvelous color, waves of it. First extra is nearing sunset; second extra is the remaining wetland.

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