The Church at Auvers
Dad put this up on the wall today. It was up on the wall in the house Dad grew up in and recently given to him by Grandma. It happens to be relevant for Orla too, given that it features very prominently in an episode of Doctor Who. The text from Tardis Fandom:
The Church at Auvers was a painting by Vincent van Gogh which alerted the Eleventh Doctor to a threat bearing down on van Gogh's village in 1890. When he and Amy Pond viewed the painting in 2010 at the Musée d'Orsay, he noticed a creature painted into one of its windows. He therefore immediately travelled to visit van Gogh and rid the town of the monster. Once the being was dispatched, the painting hanging in the Musée d'Orsay no longer had a Krafayis in the windows. (TV: Vincent and the Doctor)
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