I knew it was you...

By MrsHouston

Making Maya laugh...

Her cousin went home today....they had such fun together. We'll see them again in November :)

I am happy it was a holiday here today....so tired. And I'm not working tomorrow which is a bonus....5 days off!! 5 very busy, hectic, insane days!

I've been thinking a lot about privacy on Blipfoto lately...does anyone have the same worries? I'm not so much worried about when I put photos up of my children...as that is my choice. But I really questioned whether I should put up a photo of my nephew today. I have put photos of him up before, but his face was obscured in two of those, as it is in this one. There is one clear shot of him that I put up months ago, and I'm thinking of deleting it, because I don't believe I should have used it.

I also have these photos on my flickr account...but I can adjust privacy settings for each photo, and any photo of anyone else's child is not able to be viewed by anyone but me and my family. But I can't find anywhere where I can do that on Blipfoto?

Am I making too much of this? It's really on my mind tonight.

Anyways, have a good Monday everyone.

Ang x

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