
By Ellaphant

Windmill 'Ons Belang', Linde

'Belang' = 'buh-LANG' = interest, as in 'advantage / 'ons belang' = 'our interests'
'Linde' = 'Lin-duh'

Before the hunt, I had an appointment with a colleague at work so that she could explain to me in more detail how to use the various electronic board systems in the auditorium, where some of my classes get scheduled.  Will now have to find a free moment where I can practice using these devices.  Still feel rather lousy about the fact that I've not really had that much time to get used to things in general.

Cloud radar indicated that there could be a promising spot in the north without rain, grey but with a chance of the sun.  That is exactly what I got.  When I arrived, it was still grey but the clouds were moving quickly, and then the promised window appeared and I speedily took advantage.  Looking back, it is in the area where management of the police academy once thought of setting up a learning facility, although not a proper school building, but then they settled for Apeldoorn.  There are no windmills in Apeldoorn, and I would have loved the excuse to visit there again.

Ons Belang was constructed in 1890, replacing an earlier mill that had been built in 1856, which was destroyed decades later by fire.  It is situated in an isolated and semi-wooded area and there's a lovely little café close by, very popular with cyclists, which was closed, I suppose because the tourist season is over and autumn has arrived.

Some household chores and kitchen duties, and then AW left for Friday evening live bridge at Sweed's and Benna's, leading to some quiet hours for myself.  Thankful for a drive but also thankful for the rest afterwards.

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