
There was a vegan market in town today and I went for a look around. It was full of everything I can't resist: tasty food, crystals, candles, etc. so obviously I came back with more stuff and less cash! I bought some tasty treats for Grace too, which I'll give her tomorrow.

I didn't get any of the cake from this stall as I didn't think it would transport too well. I had a lovely Vausage hot dog with delicious toppings for my lunch. The sauces were incredible but I still like Richmond's vegan sausages best.

Last night we watched Wigan Warriors' away fixture v. Leigh on TV. It was a close, tense game but Wigan won and were presented with the lovely new trophy for the team who are top of the table at the end of the weekly rounds. See extra. (The old trophy was known as the Hubcap!) No game for us next week and then it will be playoffs to hopefully be Champions.

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