Yellow Alien

Actually a larva of the pale tussock moth. I was driving my cousin and her husband from England around today, to
- go for a walk along the Rhine at Schierstein; 
- shop for German specialities; 
- visit my mother (who couldn’t remember them but was delighted to have visitors and even remembered a few words of English); 
- have a late lunch in Eltville on the Rhine, and finally 
- visit the winery at Kloster Eberbach, where we tasted and bought some nice local Riesling. 

As we got into the car to drive off from there, this amazing creature sat on a windscreen wiper. I stopped to rescue it, but not before taking a picture - actually, the only photo I took all day. 

I didn’t find time to visit and comment on your blip journals, but will be back tomorrow…

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