The second half of life..

By twigs

Miyazu Gardens

Up and at-'em very early for a camera club landscape workshop with Jackie Ranken and Mike Langford.  Not able to go far afield in the time we had, the location chosen by Mike and Jackie was our local Miyazu Gardens.  After a scene-setting talk last night we were challenged to try our hand at black & white, multiple exposures and high key........all in-camera of course! I struggled with getting my head around in camera multiple exposures and can see I will have to put in quite some practice to really get my head around it.  Shooting landscape in black and white however brought almost instant clarity and appreciation of composition in particular. That's a keeper!

A group dinner in the evening round at one of the group member's homes was lovely, though by the time I got home I knew I was tired, tired, tired!

Back tomorrow for a half day with Mike & Jackie exploring processing.  Will definitley be hard getting up tomorrow as daylight saving starts tonight so we lose an hour of sleep.

This pic is a multiple exposure ........can you see it?  See - I really do need to work at it!

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