
By swift

a day at the races..

Just a couple of hours actually, we saw four races. M. got the surprise winner, as he always does: horse in the lead fell, the two near it were quite discombulated and M's bet, who was pootling along near the back, finally won it mainly by not falling. I had a smaller and more predictable win, but pleased all the same. Home starving.
I did a run this morning, nearly 3 miles, which used to be my base run but now I feel pretty pleased to achieve it at all. I don't even look at the speed, or lack of...
Nice things about getting older: I bumped into an ex-neighbour, running much faster than me in the opposite direction. Only a few years ago, I'd have been mortified and embarassed at my speed, size etc etc, but today happily stopped and chatted.

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