First & last light

I was up before dawn to head off for a swim in a new-to-me lake, Stanborough. It’s beginning to feel cold and those of us in just swim suits are now largely in the minority.

Back and off to grab breakfast at a farm and then back home to prepare for tomorrow and to be a mum-taxi.

Highlight of highlights, was heading up to London to meet Elbows, LongLegs and IrishLass and her parents over from N.I.

We wandered around a bit, ate together in China Town, separated to watch different shows and then met again for evening drinks. It was a delightful evening. Our show was called ‘Cake’, running for only 4 days, and was a dramatic account of the fall of Marie Antoinette. It was fast and Hamilton-like but horribly offensive in a couple of scenes featuring a very blasphemous cardinal, who went as far as to mock Jesus Christ.

So we couldn’t and wouldn’t recommend it but apart from the cardinal, was really clever and entertaining.

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