
By dorrit

Why Did The Roadrunner Cross the Road

To get to the other side, of course! Here he was looking at me as though to say, "Of course I'm in the road, you idiot, I'm a roadrunner!" Lovely day today. Yesterday was Rachel's last day of work so we just hung out and relaxed - did a little shopping, chased this poor roadrunner all over taking a million pictures of it. We don't have roadrunners on the Oregon Coast! We fixed dinner for all of us and then Had an early night. Tomorrow we get up at 4:45 a.m. to take Rachel to her bus leaving for the Southern California 40th year Summer Games of the Special Olympics. She will be in 4 events. The standing long jump, the softball throw, the 400 meter relay race and the 100 meter race. We will all be there to cheer her on! That's why my pics will be irregularly entered. (Wow, is that a word?)

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