Time tangle

Sue came home yesterday; I collected her at the airport and left her at home to collect herself further.

Hours and hours spent on text messages, phone calls, and emails concerning revelations regarding my dead half-brother's adorable 9-year-old Chinese child who showed up via DNA testing. Opinions of relatives expressed about said brother; conjectures about what the child will want (who knows, really?); warm exchanges between me and the  mother of the child, me and one half-cousin, etc. 

Bella is so happy about having a Chinese cousin (who looks so much like her that various relatives have mistaken one for the other) that she has started learning Chinese on Duolingo. My half-sister and her adopted Chinese child are now even more eager to go to China. On and on. So to clear my head, I've been moving furniture around, carefully avoiding causing distress to my fragile back. (It's amazing what I can do sitting on the ground, using my legs to push things around.) I've been living in a very small apartment for fifteen years, so with the added piano, now everything has to fit to the quarter of an inch, or it won't fit at all.

This is another in-camera double exposure.

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