
By PrimeMart

Do Not Read If You Are Of A Delicate Disposition

This shot reminded me of a story told by JETHRO which I will abridge a little.

Wat appened waz -

Jethro and his friend Denzil Penberthy were at the circus. They watched the lion tamer make the lion open his mouth really wide - he then got out his willy and put it right in the lion's open mouth! He then zipped up and announced to the crowd that he will give £50 to anyone who dares repeat the trick.

Denzil jumped up out of his seat. Jethro extols him to sit down "Sit down you fool, that Lion will bite your cock off."

But Denzil is unrepentant.

"I'll have a go for £50" he announces to the crowd....

"But I cannot promise I can open my mouth quite that wide!"

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