Chelsea Physic Garden

Since 1673 Chelsea Physic Garden has occupied four acres of land on the edge of the Thames.

Today, as a green space in the heart of London, the Garden contributes to the city's biodiversity and provides a place for people to connect with nature.
The Garden was originally used by apothecaries as an outdoor classroom to train their apprentices. Apothecaries were an important part of society, offering general medical advice and treatments often made from herbs.

In the 1680s, Sir Hans Sloane, trained at Chelsea Physic Garden. This enabled him to have a lengthy career as a notable physician and scientist. After studying, he worked as the personal physician to the Duke of Albemarle in Jamaica, which was then a British Colony.
Sloane returned to England and bought the manor of Chelsea.
This estate was made up of 166 acres of land, including
Chelsea Physic Garden. In 1722, Sloane agreed to rent these four acres to the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries for £5 per year in perpetuity. This ensured that the Garden would forever be used as a place to teach people about plants.

We visited these gardens with Chris Lee in glorious sunshine

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