A day in the life

By Shelling

Flour from a Prince

When I went to do some shopping by foot, I'm passing "The Prince", the smallest of the three mills on my way to the shop. The other two are "The Queen" and, of corse, "The King",  which is the larges "stub-mill" in Skandinavia. The Prince is the smallest one but it happened to be open today. Not all mills have the grindstones still installed but this one was intact. Probably it doesn't work anymore, I've never seen a mill actually grind flour here. But, you can see how it works, the wind makes the big wheel go around which drives the wooden "spindle" that's attached to the grinding stone. The corn is put in the wooden "funnel" to the top right and the corn goes into the chute that leads it to the center of the top stone which grinds the corn into rather coarse flour between the bottom stone, that you can't see. The flout comes out below. That completes todays lesson on "how do you get flour"?

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