
By intothehills

Learning styles

Back to training with one of the Volunteer teams today, Outdoor First Aid.

I've read a huge amount of guff over the years about learning styles. You're a visual, audio kinaesthetic etc etc etc. Nonsense, people learn by being engaged and in context, they may well have a primary tendancy (almost certainly because they've been engaged by that style in the past) but each has its place. A good educator will simply facilitate as many opportunities and methods as possible. 

The exploded man is a favourite learning tool for first aid - he can be simplified - lots of bones, two bones, one big bone...
He can be complicated - this is connected to this and sends signals to there.... 
He can, quite literally, be dissected and rebuilt. 
Today some of the group took the index card and looked up specific bits of the human body they didn't recognise. 
Some stood back and built a holistic picture of how it all interconnects. 
M took a more personally spatially aware approach and worked out what is where in her own body, how it's protected or vulnerable, what it physically feels like. 
They then took turns to educate and inform each other. 
In style.

(& yes, H is casually holding a human heart (model) in her hand) 

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