New kid on the block

Meet Gio. Neighbour friend Beth's new puppy. Some kind of mastiff, destined to be, well, huge. When Rufus first met him a couple of weeks ago, Gio was the smaller of the two and Rufus was clearly confused at the attention Gio was given by neighbour friends. The next time they met, they were more or less the same size and both, curious about the other, did a lot of inquisitive sniffing while my lovely kind and understanding neighbours made sure to treat them both equally. Today, at twelve weeks, Gio is now the larger of the two, and although he hasn't yet mastered the art of running nor understands the concept of 'fetch', it does at least seem that he and Rufus are now friends, if not actually besties, and played  'I'll chase you then you chase me back" games around the pool for quite a while which entertained the humans watching as much as it did Rufus and Gio.

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