River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Seeds in the Post

Showery this morning and breezy but it’s probably nothing compared to #StormAgnes which is due to arrive tomorrow … :-((

Waved our daughter and Cousin Idris off after breakfast and they arrived safely home mid-afternoon :-))

Spent the day using up some of the windfall Bramley cooking apples: made 3 jars of apple and frozen fruit compote and 5 smaller jars of Apple & Tomato chutney, which is being left for a few weeks to mature. My hands are aching after all the peeling and being in water :-((

Kevin the Postman cheered me up when he delivered my latest little order of seeds, they are from https://www.seedparade.co.uk - many of the seeds were free and the remainder had price reduction in addition to the seeds being very cheap already! I’ve added my invoice as an extra, did I mention their post & packing is also very reasonable?  … NO, I’m not related to the company just a gardener who likes a bargain!! :-))

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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