
By HeartFreek

He likes black!

Bubba had his 1st taster session at nursery this morning. Apparently went well for the hour he was there.

By the time I got to him to take him out, he was a bit emotional saying "come back" checking he was going home again after we went out. Bless him.

We popped to Starbucks for coffee and a babychino with Mr W. They looked at the Drussilas map together which was nice as Bubba is still a bit unsure of the gentle giant.

We had a quiet afternoon at home after his sleep that included a spot of painting. Look how far black paint spreads!!!

Then popped to Mr Ws daughter for his grandaughters 11th birthday.

Home this evening only to find my studio client had walked all over Mr Ws newly painted decking with her dusty shoes. He wasn't impressed!!!!!

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