My day

By 59

Wide angled reading

I finished the book on the left yesterday- it was another complicated family saga. Easy to read, a bit like Maeve Binchy. This one was set in Hobart, New York, London and Donegal Ireland. 

The middle 2 books are from the library and the one on the right is waiting for me to read. It is a $3 copy from the op shop. 

Not much to report except I just met our new neighbours and their 3 month old toy Cavoodle. Very cute. 

Our neighbour rang at 11.30 last night. She had fallen and couldn’t get up. My phone doesn’t ring at night so I didn’t know until this morning. There were no ambulances available so they sent the fire brigade around to get her into bed. They also sent an ambulance from Blayney ( the neighbouring town to our south). It is half an hour drive away on the highway so it would have left Blayney without a service. They need more services or space in the hospital to off load the patients. 

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