Recipes that work

An added benefit of having our eldest son staying with us to help look after Smithers is that he is a keen cook. He rustled up this dish last night (substituting minced chicken for minced pork) from one of his favourite cook books (see extra). It was delicious, and very much appreciated. He made sufficient for another portion for us all today, and the rest has gone in the freezer for another day. 

Our sons drove Smithers to hospital for his two pre-op assessments this morning. While they were out I took the opportunity to walk up to church and attend the mid-week Communion service after I’d done a couple of loads of washing and various other jobs. It was so good to be back worshipping amongst the church family.

The chaps were back by 12.30 pm and a sandwich from the hospital M & S shop was put into my hands. By 1.00 pm I was tucked up in bed, and slept solidly for three hours. I felt really groggy, and it took another hour before I was properly awake. I am so grateful that my sons are supporting us so well, it has allowed me to get some much-needed rest.

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